Sunday, January 8, 2023

Yhteenveto / Summary 2022

26.2.2022 Jämijärvi GROUP show

Judges Mrs. Leila Kärkäs, Finland (breed), Mr. Pekka Teini, Finland (FCI5/6 group)

Suma made her show debut in official classes and won Best of Breed! She also made the cut in the huge combined FCI5/6 group.


BOS Raimo


26.3.2022 Lahti INT show

It was a pleasure as always to show under judge Mr. Bas Bosch, Belgium, who is a former bloodhound breeder and forever enthusiast of the breed. We received truly lovely critiques.

BOB, CACIB Viljami


BM2, res-CACIB Raimo


BM3, CC, JCC, JBOB Torsti (MB Salt Disney)

BOB Breeders group (Viljami, Raimo, Torsti, Suma)


30.4.2022 Tampere NORD show

Suma’s 3rd time in the ring under Mr. Arne Foss, Norway.

BOB, JCC, JBOB, new Junior Champion!


7.5.2022 Mantrailing trial in Muurame

Suma passed her Novice class trail and moved on to Open class. Judge Mrs. Virpi Hahko.


9.7.2022 Mäntsälä ALL BREED show

Judges: Pekka Teini, Finland (breed, group), Markku Kipinä, Finland (BIS Breeders group)

BOB Viljami

BOS, CC, JCC, JBOB Valma (MB Smell The Clove)

BF2, res-CC Pulma (MB She Can Do No Wrong)

BF3, JBOS Suma

BOB Breeders group (Viljami, Pulma, Valma, Suma)

BIS2 Breeders group


20.8.2022 Kouvola ALL BREED show

Judges: Mr. Rob Douma, The Netherlands (breed, group), Zoran Brankovic, Serbia (BIS Breeders group)

BOB and GROUP1 Viljami


BM2, JCC, JBOB, new Junior Champion Torsti

BF2, CC Pulma

BOB Breeders group (Viljami, Torsti, Pulma, Suma)

BIS2 Breeders group


22.10.2022 Seinäjoki INT show

Judge: Mr. Perttu Ståhlberg, Finland



BM2, CC, res-CACIB Jalo (MB I Hope You Don’t Mind)

BM3, resCC Sulo (MB Chili The Kid)

BOB Breeders group (Raimo, Jalo, Sulo, Suma)


5.11.2022 Kuru

Unofficial Team Trial of the Finnish Bloodhound Club

Judge: Mr. Ismo Koiranen

Raimo & Suma (Team Himatuikut) won the trial.


12.11.2022 Jyväskylä NORD show

Judge: Mrs. Irina Poletaeva, Finland


BOS, CC, JCC, NORDCC, JBOB Velmu (MB Nut Megawat)


13.11.2022 Jyväskylä INT show

Judge: Mrs. Dianna Spavin, Great-Britain


BOS, CACIB Viljami

BM2, res-CACIB Raimo

BF2, JCC, new Junior Champion Valma

BOB Breeders group (Viljami, Raimo, Suma, Valma)

We did not stay for finals.


2.12.2022 Helsinki NORD Helsinki Winner-22

Judge: Mr. Esa Ruotsalainen, Finland

BOB, NORDCC, HeW-22 Raimo

BF2, res-NORDCC Valma


3.12.2022 Helsinki NORD Nordic Winner-22

Judge: Mrs. Marta Ciborowska-Kubiak, Poland

BOB, NORDCC, NordW-22 Raimo

BOS, NORDCC, NordW-22 Pulma

BM2, res-CACIB Viljami

BF2, res-NORDCC Suma

We did not stay for finals.


4.12.2022 Helsinki INT Finnish Winner-22

Judge: Mrs. Anna Sofie Gothen, Denmark

BOB, CACIB, FiW-22 Raimo

BF2, res-CACIB Suma

BF3 Pulma

BOB Breeders group (Raimo, Pulma, Suma, Velmu).

We did not stay for finals.

During the year, we got three new Junior Champions (Suma, Torsti, Valma) and one new Finnish Champion (Pulma)! At the winner shows Raimo got three new titles.

Raimo also competed in mantrailing trials three times in the Winners class but did not get a pass.

Nine of the 13 puppies born in 2021 passed their Novice class trails, three of them even continued competing in the Open class, and one got his first Pass in Open (MB Inglorious Mustard, Gunnar).

 With the two BIS2 breeder placements, Maple Bay placed 46th on the Breeder of the Year (all breed) competition of the Finnish Kennel Club. Thank you so much to the active owners! <3

Jämijärvi GROUP: BOS Raimo, BOB, JBOB Suma. Picture by Anni Välimäki.
Lahti INT: BOS Sheila, BOB Viljami. Picture by Virpi Hahko.
Tampere NORD: BOB, JBOB, JCH Suma. Picture by Virpi Hahko.
Mäntsälä ALLBREED: BOS, JBOB Valma, BOB Viljami. Picture by Pirita Heino.
Mäntsälä ALLBREED: BIS2 Breeders group (Valma, Suma, Viljami, Pulma). Picture by Emmi Seppänen.
Kouvola ALLBREED: BOB Viljami, BOS, JBOS Suma. Picture by Pirita Heino.
Kouvola ALLBREED: FCI6 Group1 Viljami. Picture by Satu Saarinen.
Kouvola ALLBREED: BIS2 Breeders group (Viljami, Pulma behind him, Suma, Torsti). Picture by Satu Saarinen.
Seinäjoki INT: BOB Raimo, BOS, JBOB Suma. Picture by Pirjo Korhonen.
Jyväskylä NORD: BOB Raimo, BOS, JBOB Velmu. Picture by Virpi Hahko.
Jyväskylä INT: BOS Viljami, BOB, JBOB Suma. Picture by Juuli Helistekangas.
Jyväskylä INT: BOB Breeders group. Picture by Mariza Laakko.
Helsinki NORD Nordic Winner-22: BOS Pulma, BOB Raimo. Picture by Virpi Hahko.
Helsinki NORD Nordic Winner-22: BOB Breeders group (Suma, Pulma, Raimo, Viljami). Picture by Virpi Hahko.
Helsinki INT Finnish Winner-22: BOB Raimo. Picture by Virpi Hahko.
Helsinki INT Finnish Winner-22: BOB Breeders group (Suma, Velmu, Pulma, Raimo). Picture by Virpi Hahko.
Team trial winners Suma & Raimo.