Sunday, November 22, 2009

Jyväskylä KV // Jyväskylä Int'l Show

Leila Jyväskylä Int 2009 Kuva: Salme Mujunen

Leila ja Fredi kävivät lauantaina 21.11. Jyväskylän KV-näyttelyssä. Tulokset: Leila ROP, SERT, CACIB ja Fredi VSP, SERT, CACIB. Tuomarina oli Frank Kane, Iso-Britannia.

Leilan arvostelu/Leila's critique: "19 months. High quality, full of breed type. In excellent condition with beautiful coat and skin. Quality head. Very good feet and a good mover at both ends. Her head is full of quality. Promising".

Leila and Fredi were shown at the Jyväskylä International show on Saturday Nov. 21st. Results: Leila BOB, CC, CACIB and Fredi BOS, CC, CACIB. The judge was Mr. Frank Kane, Great Britain.