Sunday, October 22, 2017

Näyttely- ja koetuloksia // Show and mantrailing trial results

Basseterkkari 5.8.2017 Kuopio
Tuomari Ricky Lochs-Romans, Hollanti

Sheila (Badgershill Smoke On The Water) JUN ERI/1, SA, PN1, SERT, ROP, ROP-juniori, BIS4-juniori (tuomari Paul Sanders, Hollanti)
Sheila & Raimo BIS2-Pari (tuomari Pasi Mattila)

Vihikoirien jälkikoe 24.9.2017 Koski TL
Tuomari Ismo Koiranen

Pojat olivat ekaa kertaa avoimessa luokassa - molemmille tuli nollat - mutta veteraani-ikäinen Fredi teki upeaa työtä lähes maaliin saakka, kunnes tuore hevosenjälki sotki lopun.
Raimo (Maple Bay Thyme Waits No One) AVO0
Fredi (Maple Bay Mightyfirestone) AVO0

Jyväskylä KV näyttely 15.10.2017
Tuomari Jasna Matejcic, Kroatia

Raimo (Maple Bay Thyme Waits No One) AVO ERI/1
Sheila (Badgershill Smoke On The Water) NUO ERI/1, SA, PN1, SERT, CACIB, ROP
Ryhmäkilpailuihin emme jääneet.

Specialty Show of the Basset Club 5.8.2017 Kuopio
Judge Mrs. Ricky Lochs-Romans, The Netherlands

Sheila (Badgershill Smoke On The Water) JUN EXC/1, CQ, BB1, CC, BOB, BOB-junior, BIS4-junior (judge Mr. Paul Sanders, The Netherlands)
Sheila & Raimo BIS2-Brace (judge Mr. Pasi Mattila)

Mantrailing trial 24.9.2017 Koski TL
Judge Mr. Ismo Koiranen

The boys competed in the Open class for the first time - neither one passed - but the veteran aged Fredi worked beautifully almost to the end, until a fresh horse trail distracted him completely. 
Raimo (Maple Bay Thyme Waits No One) OPEN 0
Fredi (Maple Bay Mightyfirestone) OPEN 0

Jyväskylä Int show 15.10.2017
Judge Mrs. Jasna Matejcic, Croatia

Raimo (Maple Bay Thyme Waits No One) OPEN EXC/1
Sheila (Badgershill Smoke On The Water) INT EXC/1, CQ, BB1, CC, CACIB, BOB
We did not stay for the finals.

Sheila BIS4-Junior at the Basset Club Specialty show. Picture by Jari Kunnari.
Sheila BOB at the Jyväskylä Int Show. Handled by Mariza Laakko.