Sunday, February 23, 2020

Uusi muotovalio // New Champion

Raimo (Maple Bay Thyme Waits No One) oli tänään ROP kera sertin ja valioitui Jämijärven ryhmänäyttelyssä, tuomarina oli Hannu Talvi. Ryhmäkilpailussa (FCI5/6, tuomarina Pekka Teini) se pääsi jatkoon mutta ei sijoittunut.

Raimo (Maple Bay Thyme Waits No One) was today BOB and received a CC which finished his Finnish Champion title at the Jämijärvi group show, our judge was Mr. Hannu Talvi, Finland.
At the group competition (combined groups FCI5 and 6, judged by Mr. Pekka Teini, Finland) he made the cut but was not placed. 

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