9.12. Helsinki, Pohjoismaiden Voittaja 2017: Maple Bay Mightyfirestone "Fredi" oli VSP ja ROP-Veteraani ja sai tittelit PMV-17 ja PMVV-17. Sheila oli PN2 kera varasertin ja varacacibin. Tuomari oli Göran Bodegård, Ruotsi.
17.12.Tukholma, Ruotsin Voittaja 2017: Maple Bay Basil Instinct om. Mia Linder, oli ROP, kera sertin, cacibin ja V-17 tittelin ja samalla se valioitui Ruotsin muotovalioksi. Tuomari: Ferdinando Asnaghi, Italia.
Nickin kuva: Per Unden.
Raimon (Maple Bay Thyme Waits No One) terveystulokset tulivat Kennelliitosta: lonkat B/B, kyynärät 1/1, selkä normaali (VA0, SP0, LTV0), polvet 0/0. Myös olkanivelet kuvattiin ja ne olivat normaalit (ei virallista lausuntoa saatavana).
Winner Show results:
December 9th, Helsinki, Finland, Nordic Winner 2017: Maple Bay Mightyfirestone "Fredi" took BOS and BOB Veteran and got titles NordW-17 and NordVW-17. Sheila was BB2 with res-CC and res-Cacib. Judge was Mr. Göran Bodegård, Sweden.
December 9th, Helsinki, Finland, Nordic Winner 2017: Maple Bay Mightyfirestone "Fredi" took BOS and BOB Veteran and got titles NordW-17 and NordVW-17. Sheila was BB2 with res-CC and res-Cacib. Judge was Mr. Göran Bodegård, Sweden.
December 17th, Stockholm, Sweden, Swedish Winner 2017: Maple Bay Basil Instinct "Nick" owned by Mia Linder took BOB, CC, Cacib, W-17 title and finished his Swedish championship! Judge: Mr. Ferdinando Asnaghi, Italy.
Picture of Nick by Per Unden.
Picture of Nick by Per Unden.
Raimo's (Maple Bay Thyme Waits No One) health results came back from the Finnish Kennel Club: hips B/B, elbows 1/1, spine normal (VA0, SP0, LTV0), patellas 0/0. Also shoulders were xrayed and examined and they were normal (no official rating available).
Swe Ch. W-17 Maple Bay Basil Instinct "Nick" owned by Mia Linder.